Tuesday, August 27, 2013

VMworld 2013

I sure there are a lot of these posts going up, but here's the highlights I managed to learn about.

NSX - it's a big deal.  Think 1000v without the Cisco IOS.  Think parity bits and raid 5 "controllers" instead of VSM pair in "Raid 1" (this is the new virtual networking "plane").  I wonder what the cost associated with this new hotness.

vSphere 5.5 = much better SSO setup.  SSO has never been my favorite thing or even idea in 5.1. 5.5 is a great step forward even though I still don't like how its been forced on us.  I have a background somewhat different than what I suppose a lot of the world deals with I suppose.

VCHS = VMware "hybrid" cloud (competition for amazon.. But much easier to get in and more importantly.. Back out of.). Will be interesting how well this cloud is or isn't accepted in the world.

Lots more caching options with SSD.. Too many actually... Do we need all of these options?  I suppose, but I doubt anyone will actually use all of them in 1 environment.

Puppet = it's like seadoo apparently. "Everybody's doin it"

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