Wednesday, June 18, 2008

WMI Filters for GPO

If you're like me, you've used plenty of GPO's for various config settings. Maybe you've even pushed out software with a GPO (using a MSI file and software installation features). I've always had the "luxury" of SMS or Altris to push software. That is, until now.
So in trying to push out the Office 2007 Compatibility pack, I've found I need a WMI filter. The reason being that about 50-60 machine already have it and I don't want to install it over again if I don't have to. I've gotten to the point of creating a WMI filter in the GPMC, but my query does the opposite of what I want. This query returns a true and proceeds with the install.. where I need a false so it doesn't reinstall if already present:
Select * from Win32_Product where name = "Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system"

The real problem being any "logic" I've tried in the query doesn't work (I guess WQL is very limited and not capable of normal SQL commands?)
anyone have a thought?

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