Monday, May 26, 2008

LPI certifications

After playing with linux for many years, I've been lucky enough to get a new project using it at work. I thought this would be a good time to study up more and possibly even get a certification in it. Up till now I've only done microsoft certifications. I've started (and stopped) studying for the Cisco CCNA at least twice (never seem to keep the motivation going when I start thinking "why do I need to memorize this stuff when google is just a click away".. now I know the real answer to that, but just try telling me that when I'm frustrated with the memorization's).
I've asked around and while the RedHat cerification seems to be the most widely desired (by careerbuilder that is), I don't think I have enough experience to realistically go for that just yet. Instead I've decided to shoot for the LPI I certification. It's targeted for just beyond a power user (which is all I've ever claimed to be on Linux). The LPI folks are vendor neutral and offer 3 (or 4?..I'm a little unclear on the Ubuntu cert they seem to offer) certifications.
That brings up a question I've been asking myself.. with all the rage Ubuntu seems to be making (do a google for what Linux distro is the most popular.. you'll see what I mean).. how come so many people don't know anything about it? How come it hasn't really made it into corporate america? We had to go with Redhat or Suse due to Oracle certifying it (and the DBA's would freak on anything without the Oracle certification). I've always felt redhat was the corporate server to beat.. and now feel ubuntu is the other desktop software to use.

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